
Causes of Climate Change

Climate change, the effects of which we experience every day worldwide with the extreme weather events of recent years (heatwaves, heavy rains and snowfalls, etc.) is mainly due to global warming from the increase in greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions. Our way of life and meeting the needs of modern man are the main causes of climate change. More specifically:


Every year about 12 million hectares of forest are deforested. If we consider that forests act as natural lungs of the planet by absorbing carbon dioxide, their destruction dramatically increases harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Fossil fuels

Fossil fuels oil, coal and natural gas bear most of the responsibility for global climate change. They account for over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions. Their main uses concern:
  • Means of transport
The various means of transportation such as cars, trucks, ships and airplanes are responsible for ¼ of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions since they run on fossil fuels.
  • Power generation
Most electricity is still generated by burning oil, gas and coal which produces carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, two powerful greenhouse gases that trap the sun’s heat by blanketing the earth. Unfortunately only ¼ of the world’s electricity comes from wind, solar and other renewable sources.
  • Mass produced goods
Industry and manufacturing produce gas emissions from burning fossil fuels for the energy needed to produce various items such as plastics, steel, electronics, clothing and other goods.
Food production The production, packaging and distribution of food is responsible for a third of the world’s carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gas emissions. Of these emissions, the overwhelmingly greater percentage is due to animal husbandry, as to produce one kilogram of meat, 70 kilograms of greenhouse gases are emitted. The corresponding amount for the production of one kilogram of wheat is 2.5 kilograms. Excessive consumption & waste The reckless use of energy, the consumption of goods, the way we move, eat and throw contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Our lifestyle has a profound impact on the effects of Climate Change.

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